2022 WASN Conference

On behalf of the Wisconsin Association of School Nurses Board of Directors, we are excited to welcome you back to an IN-PERSON annual conference this spring at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center in Green Bay.  We can’t predict the weather in April in Wisconsin (you might recall we had a snowstorm the last day of the conference in 2019!), but we can guarantee two days of engaging keynote, plenary, and breakout sessions and long-awaited networking time with your fellow school nurse colleagues.  The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Back to Basics: School Nursing 101’, and we’re excited to see you!


Room rates at the Radisson reduced ...
It was brought to my attention that, through carious 'deals' offered by the Radisson Hotel & Conference Center Green bay (RHGB), reservations were available online on the dates of the conference at less than WASN's contracted rate per night. It's important to WASN that attendees book under the conference block, so adjustments were made to both current rates available online and the contracted conference rate. The new conference rate is $109/night (previously $129/night, and 'deals' offered specifically by the RHGB were removed from the website. Note the RHGB has no control over 'specials' offered by Radisson corporate. Note also that reservations already made will be adjusted to the reduced room rate. Please contact Megan (megan@wisconsinnurses.org) or by phone (608-221-0383, ext. 203) should you have questions or issues. 


Event Sponsors

2022-04-28 07:30 2022-04-28 03:30 America/Chicago 2022 WASN Conference

On behalf of the Wisconsin Association of School Nurses Board of Directors, we are excited to welcome you back to an IN-PERSON annual conference this spring at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center in Green Bay.  We can’t predict the weather in April in Wisconsin (you might recall we had a snowstorm the last day […]

Radisson Hotel & Conference Center Green Bay support@netphoria.com