2025 APRN Pharmacology & Clinical Update

Largest gathering of APRNs in the Midwest - Education for APRNs planned by APRNs!

This intensive in-person two-day conference will review current and identify new evidence-based pharmacologic and clinical approaches to the management of common conditions in primary and acute care, with the goals of safe prescribing practice and optimal therapeutic outcomes.
Conference Outcomes: By participating in the sessions offered at the conference most applicable to their professional learning needs, participants will be able to:

  • Apply leadership and advocacy skills to improve collaborative partnerships at the local, state, and national level to ensure that APRNs can practice to the fullest extent of their scope of practice.
  • ldentify opportunities to promote health and prevent disease for self, clients, and the community.
  • lmplement strategies in the management of chronic, acute, and complex health conditions to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes for clients and their families.
  • Apply the current research and evidence-based indicators for safe and effective prescriptive practice.

This Annual Conference attracts over 300 Advanced Practice Registered Nurses from across Wisconsin, making it an excellent venue for nurses to become aware of your programs, services, products, and employment opportunities. Register to exhibit, become a sponsor, and/or advertise in our Conference Program and contribute to the success of this annual event!

SPONSORING this program... 

  • Sponsor our keynote presenter for $2000 (one opportunity available) or become a  'Program Patron' for $1000.
  • All Sponsors receive a complimentary exhibitor table on April 11 reserved in a prime location, name/logo recognition in the printed Conference Program* and on the conference webpage*, and recognition from the podium at the Thursday morning Welcome address.
    * NOTE: we are unable to display logos from 'ineligible companies' - learn more here

EXHIBITING at this program…

  • Cost to exhibit is $525 (for-profit companies) or $425 (not-for-profit companies).
  • Exhibit space includes an 6-foot skirted table, 2 chairs, and wireless internet access. Continental breakfast and a separate exhibitor lunch will be provided. Participant meals and refreshments will be served adjacent to the exhibit area to ensure high visibility.
  • Exhibits are scheduled from 7:30 AM-12:45 PM.  Set up time is 6:45-7:30 AM on Friday morning only. Tables are available on a first-come first-served basis, except those reserved for our Sponsors.
  • Cancellations received on or before April 3, 2025 will be subject to a $50.00 cancellation fee.
  • Deadline to register as an exhibitor: March 31, 2025
  • Deadline to register as an exhibitor and be included in the Conference Program: March 20, 2025

ADVERTISING in the printed conference program distributed to all conference participants and presenters...

  • See the attached document for ad size and rate information.
  • Deadline to reserve ad space is March 20, 2025. Reserve early to secure the best ad location!
  • Cancellations received on or before April 3, 2025 will be subject to a $50.00 cancellation fee. No refunds will be issued after April 3.

REGISTER HERE to Sponsor/Exhibit/Advertise - NOW OPEN!

Research Poster Display

Research Poster Display

The Wisconsin Nurses Association's NP Forum invites their advanced practice (and APRN student) colleagues to apply to display a poster outlining a research or clinical project at the conference. Accepted posters will be on display at conference on Thursday, April 10th only from 8:00AM - 5:15 PM. Conference participants who review the posters/interact with the poster presenters may claim 0.75 contact hours of CE credit on the conference evaluation form.

Deadline to apply to display a poster is February 7, 2024



2025-04-10 08:00 2025-04-10 18:00 America/Chicago 2025 APRN Pharmacology & Clinical Update

Largest gathering of APRNs in the Midwest – Education for APRNs planned by APRNs! This intensive in-person two-day conference will review current and identify new evidence-based pharmacologic and clinical approaches to the management of common conditions in primary and acute care, with the goals of safe prescribing practice and optimal therapeutic outcomes. Conference Outcomes: By […]

Monona Terrace support@netphoria.com