Alverno College
3400 S. 43rd Street, Milwaukee, WI 53234
Campus Parking and Wayfinding map
Driving Directions to Alverno
2025 AGENDA and Room Map, list of PODIUM PRESENTATIONS, and POSTERS - Coming Soon
The purpose of Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice' is to provide a forum, in the format of an annual conference, to disseminate and discuss the impact of research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement initiatives on clinical practice and patient outcomes.
"Better Together: The power of collaboration and connection"
This year's one-day conference will feature dynamic Keynote and Plenary presenters as well as 28 Podium Presentations to choose from over 4 Breakout Sessions. In addition, presenters of 50+ Posters will be available throughout the day to discuss their nursing research, quality improvement and evidence-based practice projects. Join us to network, learn, and be inspired!
Conference Objectives
- Provide a platform for the dissemination of the latest research findings, evidence-based practices, successful quality improvement projects, and innovative approaches with the nursing community, encouraging an exchange of ideas with peers.
- Support the professional development of nurses in attendance by facilitating keynote sessions, panel discussions, engaging podium presentations, and interactive poster sessions that focus on emerging trends in the nursing profession that are grounded in research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement.
- Promote collaboration and networking by providing time for attendees to connect, establish professional partnerships to share resources, join forces on future projects, and ultimately improve the quality of healthcare delivery.
Who should attend?
Staff nurses, advanced practice nurses, educators, managers, administrators, nurse scientists and students involved or interested in enhancing clinical practice or patient outcomes through research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement.
This conference is jointly provided by the Southeast Wisconsin Research Consortium* and Wisconsin Nurses Association (WNA).
* Southeast Wisconsin Research Consortium Members:
Alverno College, Ascension Wisconsin, Advocate Aurora Health Care, Carroll University, Children’s WI, Concordia University Wisconsin, Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin Froedtert Hospital, Marquette University, ProHealth Care, MSOE University, Sigma Theta Tau Chapters: Delta Gamma at Large, Eta Nu, and Phi Beta; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center
Regular/Full rate - $160.00
Undergrad Student - $60.00
Primary Podium Presenter * - $60.00
Primary Poster Presenter * - $110.00
Planning Committee Member - $0.00
Keynote or Plenary Speaker - $0.00
Vendor - $100
- * Only 1 Primary Presenter (the Primary Author) per accepted podium presentation or poster may claim the discounted rate on registration - any co-presenters must register at the Regular/Full or Undergrad Student rate as appropriate
- Breakfast and lunch are provided. You will have the opportunity to request a vegetarian or gluten-free lunch on the registration form.
- Please plan to bring your organizational name badge - as nametags will not be provided at conference
- Conference fee must be paid by credit card, PayPal or Venmo at time of registration
- Registration will be limited to 300 participants
Deadline to Register: April 1, 2025
Please note that registration may close before April 1st if the maximum of 300 participants is reached.
7:30-8:00 Registration, Set-up, Breakfast
8:00-2:45 Educational Sessions (Lunch provided)
- 8:00-8:15 Welcome and Overview of the Day
- 8:15-9:15 Keynote Panel: Publishing for Nurses
- 9:30-10:00 Breakout AM1 - Podium Presentations
- 10:15-10:45 Breakout AM2 - Podium Presentations
- 10:45-11:45 Poster viewing dedicated time (Posters available all day)
- 12:30-1:00 Breakout PM1 - Podium Presentations
- 1:15-1:45 Breakout PM2 - Podium Presentations
- 2:00-2:45 Plenary: "Building Social Capital & Constructing Influential Bridges"
2:45-3:30 Poster Winner Announcements, Closing Remarks, Door Prizes
All Podium Presentation PowerPoints have been posted on the password-protected webpage (below). See your Registration confirmation email for the password to access.
Conference Location:
Alverno College, 3400 South 43rd Street, Milwaukee, WI 53219 (Google Maps Directions link)
Building 2 - Sister Joel Read Center (RC)
Park in the Parking Structure (A) - Parking and Entrance Map (PDF)
Driving Directions to Alverno College (PDF)
The 27th Annual Building Bridges Southeastern Wisconsin Nursing Research Conference is jointly provided by the Wisconsin Nurses Association (WNA) and the Southeast Wisconsin Research Consortium. This 1-day conference offers participants 5.0 contact hours of nursing continuing professional development credit. WNA is the provider of contact hours for this activity.
Requirements for Successful Completion: Participants must attend the entire conference and complete the online conference evaluation by April 14, 2025. The link to the evaluation is in the confirmation email sent when you registered for the conference.
After April 14: Attendees may request WNA to re-open the evaluation after the deadline to receive a CE Certificate for a $25 fee at This option will be available only until October 14, 2025.
Relevant Financial Relationships: There are no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies for those involved with the ability to control the content of this activity.
Wisconsin Nurses Association is approved with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Montana Nurses Association, an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Alverno College 3400 S. 43rd Street, Milwaukee, WI 53234 Campus Parking and Wayfinding map Driving Directions to Alverno 2025 AGENDA and Room Map, list of PODIUM PRESENTATIONS, and POSTERS – Coming Soon The purpose of Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice’ is to provide a forum, in the format of an annual conference, to disseminate and […]
Alverno College, 3400 S 43rd St, Milwaukee, WI 53234