Friday, September 13, 2024
Ingleside Hotel, Pewaukee, WI
We are excited to invite you to join us IN-PERSON for a thought-provoking conference challenging our past and present as we discuss the future of nursing in a changing healthcare landscape and the necessity to increase diversity in the nursing workforce.
The 14th Annual Wisconsin Center for Nursing Conference will bring together nurses and other healthcare professionals from around the state to explore emerging topics impacting nursing education, practice, and research through an equity lens.
The importance of the nursing workforce to the health and well being of Wisconsin’s citizens cannot be overstated. The 2024 WCN Conference will build on the vital contributions that nurses make to the wellbeing of all.
CONFERENCE FLYER - printable schedule/fees/links to webpage and registration - please post and share with your colleagues
The following organizations have provided Sponsorship dollars for this program to keep your cost low.
PARTNER Sponsors:
Regular rate: $150
Student Nurse rate: $50.00
- Registration includes continental breakfast, lunch, and printed Program
- Pay by credit card or request an invoice to submit registration form.
- Registration Deadline: Friday, September 6, 2024
If you experience problems while making your credit card payment, please contact Bri Dunbar at the WNA office: bri@wisconsinnurses.org
CONFERENCE AGENDA listing presenters and session descriptions
Educational Sessions from 8:15 am - 4:00 pm
- Registration and Continental breakfast available at 7:30 am
- Lunch from 11:50 am - 12:50 pm - time to meet with colleagues
- Sponsor exhibit tables will be available all day
Welcome and Program Overview
Kerri Kliminski, Ed.D, MSN, RN - President, Wisconsin Center for Nursing; Dean ADN Program, Madison College
Barbara Nichols, PhD (H), MS, RN, FAAN - Executive Director, Wisconsin Center for Nursing
KEYNOTE: Strengthening the Wisconsin Workforce Pipeline
Judy Martin-Holland, PhD, MPA, RN, CNS, FNP, FAAN - Principal, Health Management Associates
Redesigning Education to Build a Better World for our Children
Kaleem Caire - Founder and CEO, Once City Schools, Inc.
Educational Survey Report Update
Linda Young, PhD, RN, CNE, – Dean, UW-Eau Claire College of Nursing and Health Sciences
WCN’s Emergency Preparedness Nursing Workforce Initiative
Kelly Kruse Nelles, MS, RN, APRN-BC - Executive Director, National RN Practice Development Center; Lead Faculty & Practice Development, Wisconsin Center for Nursing
Summary of Key Points from Nursing Workforce Summit held on June 21, 2024
Kerri Kliminski, Ed.D, MSN, RN - President, Wisconsin Center for Nursing; Dean ADN Program, Madison College
Barbara Nichols, PhD (hon), MS, RN, FAAN – Executive Director, Wisconsin Center for Nursing
Linda Young, PhD, RN, CNE, – Dean, UW-Eau Claire College of Nursing and Health Sciences
The Impact of Alzheimer's Disease and Cognitive Health Disparities on the Nursing Workforce
G. Adriana Perez, PhD, ANP-BC, FAAN, FGSA - Associate Professor, Anthony Buividas Term Chair in Gerontology and Senior Fellow, Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing
WCN is seeking support for our 14th Annual Conference - we need YOU!!
Click HERE for the Sponsor Benefits and Registration Form. Please return completed registration forms to Bri@wisconsinnurses.org
A block of standard rooms are available for Thursday, September 12, 2024 at the rate of $125.00/night. You will be required to provide a credit card upon making the reservation, but you will not be charged until you check out.
Deadline to reserve at this rate: August 30, 2024
To receive the discounted room rate, call 262-547-0201, and identify yourself as a conference attendee for the Wisconsin Center for Nursing before August 13th.
Hotel website:https://www.theinglesidehotel.com/
Location/Directions: CLICK HERE
Any handouts or resources submitted by presenters will be posted below for conference registrants to access/download/print as desired about 1 week prior to the conference. Printed copies will NOT be provided at the conference, but handouts may be accessed by wifi on-site if you bring your device. Handouts will remain posted for 6 months following the conference.
Sessions with linked handouts will be blue:
1 - KEYNOTE: Strengthening the Nursing Workforce: A Defining Moment
2 - Redesigning Education to Build a Better World for our Children
3 - Educational Survey Report Update
4 - WCN’s Emergency Preparedness Nursing Workforce Initiative
5 - Summary of Key Points from Nursing Workforce Summit
6 - The Impact of Alzheimer’s Disease and Cognitive Health Disparities on the Nursing Workforce
The 14th Annual WCN Conference offers NO nursing continuing professional development credits for this 1-day conference. You will receive a Certificate of Attendance documenting the number of educational hours at the conference after completing the evaluation. The evaluation link will be provided in the email you receive before the conference. To be completed by October 1, 2024. If you have questions, please email info@wisconsinnurses.org
Event Sponsors
Friday, September 13, 2024 Ingleside Hotel, Pewaukee, WI We are excited to invite you to join us IN-PERSON for a thought-provoking conference challenging our past and present as we discuss the future of nursing in a changing healthcare landscape and the necessity to increase diversity in the nursing workforce. The 14th Annual Wisconsin Center for […]
The Ingleside Hotel support@netphoria.com