2024 WNA Election – Available Positions

All positions are two-year terms.

All nominees must be WNA/ANA members in good standing

Positions begin on January 19, 2024. You will be sworn in at the WNA Annual Meeting held on January 19, 2024

Please find a nomination form here.

Please contact WNA Events & Membership Coordinator Bri Dunbar with any questions about the available leadership opportunities.


WNA Board of Directors


APRN Representative


WNA Councils

Workforce Advocacy Council (3)

Nursing Practice and Quality, Research, and Education Council – TriCouncil(3)

Public Policy Council (3)

WNA Committees

Nominating Committee (3)

Other Opportunities

WNA Rep to ANA Membership Assembly (3)


Overview of Roles


Role: The President provides leadership for the Wisconsin Nurses Association by directing ongoing activities of the Association in collaboration with the Board of Directors, and by planning future endeavors which will continue to meet the needs of the membership.


  1. Active member of WNA.
  2. Adherence to WNA’s purposes and goals and is representative of the general attitude and values of the Association.
  3. Will complete full term of office.
  4. Experience as a group leader with skills in group process, problem solving, policy formation, conflict management and working with the media.

Responsible to:  WNA membership primarily through its elected leadership.

Term of Office:  Is elected by the membership by mail/electronic ballot for a two (2) year term as President.

Basic Function:  The President serves as the chief elected officer of the Association, representing the entire membership.  With the Executive Director, represents WNA as an official spokesperson.


  1. Serves as presiding officer at meetings of the membership, Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
  2. Serves as one of the representatives to the ANA Membership Assembly Meeting.
  3. Serves as a representative of WNA and to the ANA Leadership Council Meetings.
  4. Reports to the membership at the Annual Meeting and annually via the “President’s Message” in The Wisconsin Nurse.
  5. Reports verbally and/or in writing to the Board of Directors at all regular meetings and reports by memoranda as necessary between meetings.
  6. Prepares agendas for the Annual Meeting of the membership and Board of Directors, in collaboration with the Executive Director.
  7. Represent the Wisconsin Nurses Association as official spokesperson on matters of policy, as provided in the bylaws of the Association and within the confines of the policies established by the membership and Board of Directors. Uses discretionary power to assign responsibility for such representation as necessary.
  8. Represents and speaks for the profession with allied health organizations, other nursing groups, legislative and governmental bodies, and the public.  It is within these arenas that the President carries out one of the more important functions of the office:  the WNA President accepts the role of public relations ambassador for the nursing profession in Wisconsin.
  9. Offers guidance and consultation to elected and appointed officials of the Association, constituents, and membership as required.
  10. May bring to the attention of the Board of Directors expectations and recommendations for long-range planning, policy making, and setting priorities which would promote the purposes and goals of the Association; monitors goal attainment; orchestrates the review and updating of the Association goals and action plans at least biannually.
  11. Participates in the review of the Executive Director’s performance, conducted at least once per year.
  12. Promote the fiscal solvency of the WNA in collaboration with the Treasurer, Executive Director, Finance Committee, and accountant.
  13. Foster a positive relationship with WSNA through the WNA advisor to WSNA; be available for the WSNA spring convention.
  14. Solicits members of the Board for various liaison activities and other responsibilities.
  15. Call emergency meetings of the Executive Committee and/or Board of Directors.
  16. Be knowledgeable of the major current nursing and health care issues.
  17. Represent WNA at all official functions or designate a member of the Executive Committee or Board to carry out this duty.
  1. Conducts WNA orientation/advisory; fosters leadership development activities.
  2. Review and signs Statement of WNA Board Member Conflict of Interest annually
  3. Will work with Parliamentarian in preparation of meetings involving the full membership and in circumstances when consultation is required for Board meetings.
  4. Regularly participate in one-hour call meeting with Executive Director to receive updates and conducting any planning.
  1. Lead the regularly scheduled WNA Board of Director Meetings. Meetings are every three months and 6-7 hours in length. (Usually in-person at the WNA Office)
  2. Lead in-between meetings of the Board of Directors. Meetings may be 4 times a year 1-2 hours in length. (Conference Call)
  3. Lead WNA Executive Committee Meetings. Meetings may be four times per year 1-2 hours in length. (Conference Call)
  4. Participate as an Ex-Officio, in meetings of the Finance (every three months 1-2 hours), Personnel (2-3 hours twice a year), and Bylaws (Months of June – October, five one-hour meetings) Committees. (Conference Calls)
  5. Lead the Annual WNA Annual Business Meeting which is part of the Membership Assembly. Usually on a Friday in January.

ANA Meetings:

  1. Attend in person, the annual ANA Membership Assembly and other events/meetings that coincide with the meeting. Usually in June for 3-4 days, Washington, DC.
  2. Attend in person, the annual ANA Leadership Assembly meeting. Usually in the fall. 1-2 days.
  3. Participate in scheduled ANA Conference Calls that provides update of ANA activities. Occur quarterly, 1-1 ½ hours.
  4. Participate in scheduled calls with ANA President. 1-2 times per year, one hour in-length.


They will: demonstrate adherence to WNA’s purposes and goals and is representative of the general attitude and values of the Association. Willing to complete full term of office, chair Finance Committee, and actively participate in Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and other meetings as requested. Have interest and commitment to learning WNA budget policies and procedures and other financial aspects of importance to the Association. Serves as an officer of the WNA Board of Directors.

Role:   The Treasurer provides leadership for the Wisconsin Nurses Association as a member of the Board of Directors, specifically with regard to financial implications of endeavors designed to meet the needs of the members.


  1. Active member of WNA.
  2. Support of WNA’s purposes and goals as a representative of the Association.
  3. Willing to complete full term of office, chair Finance Committee, and actively participate in Executive Committee, Board of Directors, district and structural unit liaison, and other meetings as requested.
  4. Interest and commitment to learning WNA budget policies and procedures and other financial aspects of importance to the Association.

Responsible To:   WNA membership through the Board of Directors.

Term of Office: Elected by secret ballot of the entire membership to serve a for two (2) year term.

Basic Function:  The Treasurer, in consultation with the President, Executive Director, WNA Finance Committee and contracted accounting firm, shall be responsible for monitoring the fiscal affairs of the Association.  Treasurer shall provide reports and interpretation of the Association’s budget and financial condition to the Board of Directors and the membership.


  1. Serves as chairperson of the Finance Committee. Prepares upcoming fiscal year operating budget, monitors and report on status of budget at every Board of Directors meeting, makes recommendations regarding resource investments and provides regular review of WNA policies and procedures that include a fiscal impact.
  2. Communicates regularly and works with the Executive Director in drafting the upcoming fiscal year operating budget to be presented to the Finance Committee.
  3. Remains a member on the Finance Committee for at least one year after their term of Treasurer has ended.
  4. Prepares for Board meetings by reading materials provided and requests additional information when indicated.
  5. Participates in Board deliberations and seeks additional information as needed.
  6. Review and signs Statement of WNA Board Member Conflict of Interest annually.

Time Commitment*

  1. Attend all four meetings of the Board of Directors, usually scheduled for a full day on a Friday.
  2. Chair Finance Committee, which meets every 1-2 months for a one hour conference call.
  3. Review and be knowledgeable of all board related materials prior to board meeting, usually requires one hour.
  4. Prepares financial update for board meeting. Approximately 2 hours, working in collaboration with WNA Executive Director.
  5. Helps prepare yearly budget. Additional 1-2 hours/month during July, August, and September.


Role:  The individual Board Member serves as a director of the WNA Board of Directors and provides a perspective of the APRN. A member running for this position must be an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse.

Responsible To:  WNA Board of Directors and membership.

Term of Office:   Is elected by membership by secret ballot for a two (2) year term.


  1. Attends regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings and special meetings as called by the President.
  2. Serves as a member-at-large and performs the duties as outlined in the WNA Bylaws.
  3. Prepares for Board meetings by reading materials provided and requests additional information when indicated.
  4. Participates in Board deliberations and seeks additional information as needed.
  5. Review and signs Statement of WNA Board Member Conflict of Interest annually.
  6. Serves as WNA Board Liaison to WNA APRN Forum Board of Directors. Attends APRN Board of Directors meetings, approximately five per year, held on Saturdays at the WNA offices in Madison.

Time Commitment

  1. Attend all four meetings of the Board of Directors, usually scheduled for a full day on a Friday.
  2. Review and be knowledgeable of the Board of Directors agenda item materials, approximately one hour.
  3. Attends WNA APRN Forum Board of Directors meetings, approximately five per year, held on Saturdays at the WNA offices in Madison.


Role:  The individual Board Member serves as a director of the WNA Board of Directors.

Responsible To:  WNA Board of Directors and membership.

Term of Office:   Is elected by membership by secret ballot for a two (2) year term.


  1. Attends regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings and special meetings as called by the President.
  2. Serves as a member-at-large and performs the duties as outlined in the WNA Bylaws.
  3. Prepares for Board meetings by reading materials provided and requests additional information when indicated.
  4. Participates in Board deliberations and seeks additional information as needed.
  5. Review and signs Statement of WNA Board Member Conflict of Interest annually.

Time Commitment

  1. Attend all meetings of the Board of Directors, usually scheduled for a full day on a Friday four times a year.
  2. Review and be knowledgeable of the Board of Directors agenda item materials, approximately one hour.


Wisconsin Nurses Association has three Councils, each consisting of 6-10 members, who are either elected by the membership or appointed by the WNA Board of Directors as needed. The Councils are: a.) Workforce Advocacy, b.)Nursing Practice and Quality, Research, and Education, and c.) Public Policy.

The WNA Councils are the identified structural units of WNA.  Their collective role is to advance WNA’s goals and strategic plan, which in turn support the professional image and practice of Wisconsin’s RNs.


WNA’s Workforce Advocacy Council is responsible for reviewing the activities, work products, tools, and services offered through WNA’s Workforce Advocacy Program, which provides members with professional practice advocacy services, including supporting the nurse’s professional integrity, rights and responsibilities, ethics, principles, advancement of practice standards, and personal well-being.

The Council collaborates with WNA’s other Councils, Mutual Interest Groups, and Task Forces as appropriate. The Council provides bi-monthly reports to WNA’s Board of Directors and an Annual Report to the membership.

It is expected that you will prepare for and attend all meetings, which annually consist of one meeting every other month (approximately one hour in length).


WNA’s Nursing Practice and Quality, Research, and Education Council identifies an agenda relating to nursing practice and quality, research, and education, based on WNA’s goals and strategic plan. The Council reviews and promotes opportunities for nursing practice and quality, which may include promoting best practices and reviewing important documents pertaining to Scope of Practice, Professional Standards, and ANA’s Code of Ethics. While doing so, the Council helps provide a forum for discussion on issues related to nursing practice. The Council encourages and facilitates research opportunities, including an annual Call for Abstracts, which are presented at WNA’s Convention. The Council also helps guide WNA’s educational agenda, which includes informing nurses of educational issues and opportunities. Council members may also elect to assist in the planning of the educational sessions at WNA’s Convention and other events as needed.

The Council collaborates with WNA’s other Councils, Mutual Interest Groups, and Task Forces as appropriate. The Council provides bi-monthly reports to WNA’s Board of Directors and an Annual Report to the membership.

It is expected that you will prepare for and attend all meetings, which annually consist of one meeting every other month (approximately one hour in length).


WNA’s Public Policy Council monitors and evaluates legislative and regulatory policies that can have an impact on nurses and health care to promote nurses’ participation in the public policy process. The Council creates a Public Policy Agenda for the Association, based on WNA’s goals and strategic plan. The Council develops a lobbying and education strategy, reviews proposed legislation and regulation to determine if WNA should support or oppose, and provides updates to the membership on the status of legislation and regulations.

The Council collaborates with WNA’s other Councils, Mutual Interest Groups, and Task Forces as appropriate. The Council provides bi-monthly reports to WNA’s Board of Directors and an Annual Report to the membership.

As a member of the Council, you should expect to review proposed legislation, make recommendations, and overall actively participate in the development and monitoring of WNA’s Public Policy Agenda. You should be willing to provide testimony on behalf of WNA as needed, as well as engage other WNA members if grassroots involvement is needed. You may be asked to help facilitate Rapid Response Conference Calls, which are opportunities for members to call in and give their feedback on important issues. It is expected that you will prepare for and attend all meetings, which annually consist of one meeting every other month (approximately one hour in length).


The Wisconsin Nurses Association has several Committees, which are composed of members appointed by WNA’s Board of Directors. However, because WNA’s Nominating Committee helps prepare the ballot to elect WNA’s Board of Directors, the Bylaws specifically require that the Nominating Committee is elected by the membership to ensure transparency and autonomy.


The Nominating Committee provides nominees for the WNA Board of Directors (Officers and Directors), Councils, and Committees. Committee members take the time to learn the role of positions that need to be filled and help prepare leadership succession strategies. Committee members ensure appropriate diversity is represented throughout WNA’s structural units. They select candidates who are understanding and tolerant of the viewpoints of others and who are willing to interact openly and directly with other members and WNA staff.

The Nominating Committee meets via Zoom meeting, typically one hour in duration, from August to December. A standard election season will require three to four meetings. Committee members also make personal contact with members to inquire about their interest in running for office. A Committee member typically calls six to ten members per election cycle.


The Membership Assembly is the governing and official voting body of the American Nurses Association (ANA). It identifies and discusses issues of concern to members and provides direction to ANA’s Board of Directors.

WNA members send two representatives to the ANA Membership Assembly. One representative is the WNA President. The other is elected-at-large. Please note that this position is a two-year position, which means that the elected representative will make two trips to Washington DC to conduct business at Membership Assembly. Membership Assembly meetings are typically held in June or July. WNA will provide a stipend to the representative for each trip. If the elected representative is unable to attend, the next candidate with the highest vote totals will serve as the representative.