The WNA Board of Directors establishes task forces that focus on topics/issues that are of relevance to nursing practice.

WNA members interested in these issues and are interested in serving on a task force can submit their interest using WNA’s “Interest in Serving” form. Click here for form.  

Details for all WNA Task Forces

Meetings Details

Virtual, One hour once a month

Date and time determined by members


Task Force Member Responsibilities

Attend all meetings

Active participation

Review meeting materials prior to meeting

Perform work between meetings as assigned

Elect a chair

Support note-taking


Overview of Task Forces

WNA Anti-Human Trafficking (This Task Force is already established)

WNA’s Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force work is to:

  1. Promote education of all WI nurses and student nurses on prevention and awareness of human trafficking,
  2. Collaborate with key stakeholders; and
  3. Support policies that decrease the incidence of human trafficking.


WNA Digital Health Literacy for the Nursing Workforce and Consumers of Health Care (New Task Force)

The Digital Health Literacy Task Force will:

  1. Develop a strategy that promotes the role and competencies of nurses’ digital health literacy.
  2. Support and increase awareness and utilization of nurse informaticists,
  3. Advocate for consumer competencies and use of digital health literacy including utilization of digital health nurse navigators.


Preparing Nurses to Respond to Public Health Emergencies Through a Health Disparities Lens (New Task Force)

The Responding to Public Health Emergencies Task Force will:

Continue the collaboration between the Wisconsin Nurses Association and the Wisconsin Center for Nursing that supports articulating the role and responsibilities of nurses in disaster response and public health emergency preparedness.


The Role of WNA in Addressing the Opioid Epidemic (work was paused due COVID, need to reconvene)

The Opioid Epidemic Task Force will:

  1. Explore the areas of nursing-related policy/regulatory, practice, research, education, workforce and leadership,
  2. Explore forming partnerships with community-based organizations focused on prevention of drug dependency and promotion of mental health in the community.
  3. Report progress to the WNA Board and at WNA Annual Meeting.