Why Join?
Thank you for your interest in the Wisconsin Nurses Association! Together with a national effort from the American Nurses Association (ANA), WNA works to protect, promote, and enhance the practice of professional nursing. Any RN can be a member. So why is being a member of your professional association so important? Here’s why:
We give our members the tools they need to succeed in their careers. WNA members are staff nurses, advanced practice registered nurses, educators, faith community nurses, business owners, military officers – the list goes on and on. Our members are changing nursing every day, whether it’s on the floor, in the classroom or lab, or behind the desk.
Members participate in councils and committees that include nursing practice, research, education, public policy, and workplace advocacy. They engage in thought-provoking workshops, conference calls, and webinars that address nursing’s pressing issues. They're fostering their leadership skills on committees and task forces. They’re involved in our mutual interest groups, focused on issues that they're passionate about. And if they're continuing their education, our charitable foundation, the Nurses Foundation of Wisconsin, offers excellent scholarship opportunities.
For all 90,000 registered nurses in Wisconsin, there is one registered lobbyist representing RNs, and that’s WNA. We work hard at the State Capitol (and on Capitol Hill in Washington) to make sure nursing’s best interests are always represented. We monitor State Board of Nursing meetings, help elect candidates that support nursing through our political action committees WINPAC and ANA-PAC, and provide legal counsel to nurses who need our help. We’re here for you, working for you, whatever your needs may be.
WNA and ANA will keep you plugged into the latest in nursing through WNA's social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram), The Wisconsin Nurse newspaper, and ANA’s The American Nurse and American Nurse Today. We can provide answers to questions on nursing in Wisconsin, as well as advice to those who need it from those who understand.
You'll get to network with nurses from across the state, attend events at a discount, and hear acclaimed speakers on a wide spectrum of healthcare topics. Above all, you'll be joining a national community of nurses, supporting each other and speaking stronger with one single voice.
Come join your colleagues as a proud member of WNA and ANA now for only $15.75 a month! We look forward to helping you advance in your career and protect nursing for years to come.
Please join us today!
(Please note that you will be transferred to ANA's website to process your membership.)