American College of Cardiology 2022: Reflections on Lipid Management

While reviewing the American College of Cardiology 2022 Scientific Sessions, Amun Saeed, MD, highlights the potential therapeutic advances presented by the results of three studies: APOLLO, PACMAN-AMI, and TRANSLATE-TIMI 70.

Each trial addressed a separate aspect of the role of lipids in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and the outcomes of each offer a promise of new clinical benefits for patients burdened with lipid disorder.

Go to:  American College of Cardiology 2022: Reflections on Lipid Management


Guidelines for management of persons with hypertension and high cholesterol educational video was developed for primary care clinicians and their support staff to demonstrate how team based care can be utilized in improving  two prevalent chronic conditions: hypertension and high cholesterol. This video presents the model and guidelines for the identification, treatment and management of the two chronic diseases. These guidelines build upon the existing and emerging work of many partners in Wisconsin and the nation to foster health care transformation that advances patient-centered team-based care and the move toward value-based care, improved patient health and safety, and improved health of the population.

This educational video will provide an overview of the conceptual model that addresses the following:

  • The importance of an engaged patient,
  • Identification of the model’s core elements (Team, workforce and parent organization),
  • Review of the influencing factors (Core principles, shared values, hallmarks of practice, triple aim of health care),
  • Importance of community linkages and connections,
  • Guidelines for patient-centered team-based care for interprofessional clinical hypertension utilizing ten recommendations for work plan development,
  • Guidelines for patient-centered team-based care for interprofessional clinical high cholesterol utilizing ten recommendations for work plan development.

Target audience: Clinicians, system leadership, community-based services

CE Credit:  No longer available for this program, but you may still access the video and resources for self-study.

This program is offered free of charge through a chronic disease grant from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Wisconsin Division of Public Health.

PRESENTATION: click arrow in center of graphic below to begin (27 minute duration)

Or click here to access the presentation on YouTube 

RESOURCES:  The content used in this video is derived from the following WNA documents:

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