Registration open soon!
In lieu of WNA’s Northwoods Clinical Practice Update (to return next year!), we are offering a one-day education program that will focus on pharmacologic adherence, polypharmacy, and opioid prescribing. We are also planning a presentation on approaches to managing chronic mental illness. A schedule for the day will be posted on the WNA website when available. Plan to get a few of your pharmacology credits from WNA this fall!
Reserve Your Room Now!
To book online, click here: Book your group rate for WNA 2016 Annual Nurses Convention – and you’ll automatically receive the conference discount rate of $143/night plus tax. Rooms will be available at the discounted rate until 9/28/16, and the rate will be honored Wednesday, October 19-Saturday, October 22.
In lieu of WNA’s Northwoods Clinical Practice Update (to return next year!), we are offering a one-day education program that will focus on pharmacologic adherence, polypharmacy, and opioid prescribing. We are also planning a presentation on approaches to managing chronic mental illness. A schedule for the day will be posted on the WNA website when […]
Madison Marriott West support@netphoria.com