Support the Nurses Foundation of Wisconsin (NFW)
The Nurses Foundation of Wisconsin (NFW) is dedicated to advancing the nursing profession through the financial support of education and research. Your donation to NFW directly impacts the future of healthcare by ensuring that nurses are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to provide patient-centered care and build healthy communities. As a fiscally sound not-for-profit organization, NFW is a trusted and responsive advocate within the Wisconsin nursing community. By contributing, you are supporting a foundation that is committed to professional development, evidence-based practice, and the cultivation of diverse leadership in nursing. Your generosity empowers nurses to continue their essential work and enhances the overall quality of care in our state.
Donate to NFW
Empower Nursing’s Voice with WINPAC
WINPAC is the political action arm of the Wisconsin Nurses Association, dedicated to amplifying the voice of nursing in the legislative process. Through increased political awareness and involvement, WINPAC ensures that nurses have a say in shaping the policies that affect their profession and the health of our communities. The WINPAC Board of Trustees, comprised of committed WNA members, carefully reviews and endorses legislative candidates who demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to the needs of nurses and healthcare. Your donation to WINPAC is an investment in nursing’s influence, helping to secure a future where the concerns of nurses are heard and acted upon by our state’s leaders. By contributing, you are making a powerful statement in support of nurses and the vital role they play in our society.
Donate to WINPAC
Advocacy: Help WNA Advocate For You!
Your donation strengthens WNA’s advocacy efforts to shape policies that directly affect your practice, your patients, and the future of nursing in Wisconsin. By supporting the APRN Modernization Act, nursing faculty funding, and tax credit for nurse preceptors, you’re investing in the success of Wisconsin’s nurses. Free ‘WNA HERO’ t-shirt with donations of $100 or more!