WNA is working to educate legislators and legislative candidates about the importance of amending Wisconsin’s Nurse Practice Act, Chapter 441, for the purposes of gaining uniformity with the other states. In addition, we are looking for opportunities to meet with health system administrators.
In this section you will find the APRN Uniformity Act toolkit, which will provide valuable information and advice on how to share the importance of this legislation. In addition, we have provided printable information that you can share with a legislator/candidate. Please ask him or her if they would be interested in supporting our legislation. Please keep WNA informed on any contacts you make so we can follow-up.
If you would like for WNA to join you in a meeting with your health system administrator, please contact WNA Executive Director Gina Dennik-Champion at gina@wisconsinnurse.wpengine.com.
The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Uniformity Act
Summary of The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Uniformity Act
The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Uniformity Act Advocacy Toolkit