See what we’re up to!
Below is a slide show of photos taken at our Nurses Day at the Capitol event. To see more photos from the event, search on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for #NDAC16
- It was a beautiful March day in Madison!
- Welcome to Nurses Day at the Capitol 2016!
- WNA’s awesome display at the conference
- Attendees making their way through the exhibit hall
- Betty Koepsel at the WEHNC display
- Wisconsin Student Nurses Association (WSNA) board members
- Public Policy Council chair, Neal Cragg
- Past ANA President, Barbara Nichols
- Past ANA President and Keynote speaker, Becky Patton. Author of “Nurses Making Policy: From Bedside to Boardroom”
- WSNA President, Emilie Kreilkamp with a Welcome address
- Secretary Dave Ross from the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services with a Welcome address
- Barbara Nichols and Dave Ross
- Phoebe Breed from Gunderson speaking on “Policy Decisions Impacting Sustainability – Why Nurses Care?”
- Phoebe Breed and Jeff Rich from Gunderson
- Closing presentation at #NDAC16
Here’s the agenda from the day! NDAC16 Agenda