Application review fees are invoiced approximately six months prior to when a renewal application is due.   If an increase in review fees is anticipated, a minimum of 9 months notice will be provided.
Single Agency Provider1$1,750•The single agency/hospital only provides nursing continuing professional development activities for the individual agency/hospital named in the application.
•A single agency/hospital provider does not act as the provider of continuing education for multiple agencies/hospitals.
•(A single agency provider may be part of a larger corporate system but not act as a Provider to other organizations in that system.)
System Provider
(2-5 facilities)
2$1,900•A system provider is a multi-agency/hospital/health care system providing health care services through two or more agencies/hospitals that share a common mission and/or purpose.
•The system is a corporation with a central administration providing services to all the agencies/hospitals within the corporate structure.
•A system provider usually has in place at the corporate level a centralized staff development and/or education department responsible for planning and implementing a system wide continuing education program.
All agencies/hospitals in system must be named in the application and remain unchanged throughout approval period.
Large System Provider
(6 or more facilities)
3$2,100•A large system provider is a multi-agency/hospital/health care system providing health care services through six or more agencies/hospitals that share a common mission and/or purpose.
•The system is a corporation with a central administration providing services to all of the agencies/hospitals within the corporate structure.
•A system provider generally has in place at the corporate level a centralized staff development and/or continuing education department responsible for planning and implementing a system wide continuing education program.
•All agencies/hospitals in system must be named in the Application and remain unchanged throughout approval period.


Approved Provider organizations pay an annual fee to WNA CEAP each year of approval.  The annual fee is currently $185.00.  Organizations receive an invoice in January, and annual fees are due March 31st.  If an increase in annual fees is anticipated, at least six months notice will be provided.