WNA Action Alert!  October 2, 2023

WNA Action Alert!  October 2, 2023

The Senate Health Committee is scheduled to vote on passing SB 145 The APRN Modernization Act out of committee this Wednesday October 4, 2023.  

Your State Senator needs to hear from you!  Please, contact your State Senator Today – Request that SB 145 The APRN Modernization Act, be voted out of the Senate Health Committee on Wednesday October 4, 2023.

At long last, the APRN Modernization Act is gaining momentum in the legislature.

 The Senate Health Committee will be voting on whether to pass SB 145 out of Committee.  This means that if the committee members vote yes, it will be scheduled for a vote by the full senate as early as next week.

Please contact your state senator before 7:00 am on Wednesday October 4.

You can go to the WI Legislative Website  https://maps.legis.wisconsin.gov/  to find your State Senator.  The “Find my Legislator” is located on the upper right side of the webpage.  Put in your home address and the Senator’s contact information will show up. Click on the name and you will be taken to their webpage where you can find the office email link.

Let your Senator know that you are a constituent and request support for voting SB 145, out of Committee on Wednesday October 4, 2023.