Nurses Day of Action Social Media Tool Kit

Wisconsin Nurses Association hosted a Nurses Day of Action on March 3rd.  The materials below are intended to help members and students plan their outreach for Nurses Day of Action. Ideally members and students are reaching out to their state legislators, their professional and personal networks to provide awareness of the critical issue of the nursing faculty shortage in Wisconsin.

Learn about the Nurse Faculty shortage here

What Actions Can I take?

  • March 3rdattendees will have until tomorrow March 4 to send their message to legislators the Nurse Faculty Shortage using WNA’s VoterVoice Advocacy Messaging platform   
  • Use your social media to educate your legislators and your networks about this issue. We have provided posts that you can use on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram below.


Our hashtag for Nurses Day of Action



Social Medias

LinkedIn and Facebook.

Please link to the following with the below status, link to blog post and hashtag

Immediately address the Critical shortage of nurse faculty. Learn more about Nurse Faculty Shortage in Wisconsin and how we can work towards resolving this issue.




A nurse shortage of 2,800 was estimated for 2020, that shortage will increase as COVID-19 causes more nurses to leave. To address the basic needs of the future nurse workforce, we must immediately address the shortage of nurse faculty.#WNANursesTakeAction

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WI graduates over 3k new nurses a year; 74% of Wisconsin nurses received education from a WI school. As students seeking admission to nursing programs increase, the number of nurse educators available to teach decreases. #WNANursesTakeAction

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How can Wisconsin unblock the bottleneck of a nursing faculty shortage? Learn more about a model that will recruit and commit up to 250 nurse educators to 3 years of teaching in Wisconsin Nursing Programs. #WNANursesTakeAction



The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the severity of the nursing shortage in Wisconsin. Before the pandemic, a nurse shortage of 2,800 was estimated for 2020. That shortage will only increase as the burden from the COVID-19 causes more nurses to leave the profession. To address the basic needs of the future nurse workforce, you must immediately address the critical shortage of nurse faculty. #WNANursesTakeAction

Let’s talk about our Nursing Educator Shortage. Wisconsin graduates over 3,000 new nurses a year; 74% of Wisconsin nurses received education from a school in state. As qualified student seeking admission to nursing programs is increasing, the number of nurse educators available to teach is decreasing. #WNANursesTakeAction




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