WNA Press Conference Regarding Governor Veto of APRN Modernization Act

WNA to hold press conference on Thursday May 12, 2022 regarding Governor veto of SB 394 The APRN Modernization Act

The Wisconsin Nurses Association will be holding a press conference on Thursday May 12, 2022 at the State Capitol.  The purpose of the press conference is to respond to the Governor’s veto of SB 394, The APRN Modernization Act. Please click here to see Governor Evers Veto message and please click here to read the joint press release issued by the four APRN nursing associations.

The press conference will include the following:

  • WNA’s response to the resignation of the Wisconsin Board of Nursing Chair, Dr. Peter Kallio, CRNA, APNP. (Letter of resignation attached)
  • Invited speakers will include APRNs from around the state who will share their concerns regarding the continuation of a collaboration agreement with a physician in order to practice.
  • Other speakers will include the authors of SB395/AB398 Senator Patrick Testin and Representative Rachael Cabral-Guevara.

Here are other details of the press conference:

Date: Thursday May 12, 2022

Time:  9:45 – 10:15 am

Location:  Senate Parlor, State Capitol