Wednesday, February 17, 2021
8:30 am – 4:30 pm*
*Ending times will vary depending on time of scheduled legislator visits
Join your colleagues VIRTUALLY for the Wisconsin 2021 APRN Lobby Day. The purpose is to prepare APRNs and APRN students to meet with their legislators asking for support of the APRN Modernization Act. Meetings with legislators will be arranged by WNA and will take place on Zoom.
Participants in this program will:
1. Understand the important role of APRNs in contributing to quality and accessible health care.
2. Understand the purpose and goals of the legislative proposal.
3. Learn about the legislative leadership and process.
4. Identify strategies for communicating with legislators.
5. Gain commitment from legislators that they will support the legislative proposal.
AGENDA – updated 2/16
8:30 AM-12:00 PM – Educational meeting on Zoom
12:00-4:30 PM – Scheduled virtual visits with legislators
Keynote from 2020 APRN Pharmacology Conference – please review before conference for a “refresher” from Dr. Bauer on how to approach the future of health care in general
APRN Legislation Infographic
2019 APRN Legislative Bill – EXAMPLE
How a Bill Becomes a Law
Preparing for Your SENATOR Visit (Word.doc; PDF)
Preparing for Your ASSEMBLY REPRESENTATIVE Visit (Word.doc; PDF)
3.25 contact hours are available to participants completing the online evaluation and report of meeting(s) with legislator(s) by February 24, 2021.
There are no conflicts of interest for any of the planners or presenters of this educational activity.
ONLINE EVALUATION – opens after the program begins
REGISTRATION – now closed
$25 APRN Student Rate
$50 Regular Fee
$35 WNA Member discounted rate (WNA/ANA Member ID# required at registration)
Not a member of ANA/WNA, but interested in joining? Learn more here!
Payment by credit card required at time of registration. Instructions and a link to join the Zoom meeting will be included in the Confirmation email. Information on legislator visits will be provided closer to the event and will be scheduled between 12:00-4:30 pm.
Registration Deadline: Monday, February 15, 2021
Jeffrey C. Bauer, PhD, FAANP(H) – Health Futurist and Medical Economist, Jeffrey C Bauer, PhD LLC
KEYNOTE: Independent Practice and Direct Access: The Case for Advanced Practitioners – Now, In Wisconsin!
Dr. Bauer will share his forecasts for the future of health care, with a special focus on the roles that advanced practitioners can and must play to create efficient and effective health care in Wisconsin as elaborated in his 25th anniversary edition of Not What the Doctor Ordered: Liberating Caregivers and Empowering Consumers for Successful Health Reform (Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble).
QUESTIONS? Contact the WNA office at info@wisconsinnurses.org or 608.221.0383.
Wisconsin Nurses Association is approved with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Montana Nurses Association, an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 8:30 am – 4:30 pm* *Ending times will vary depending on time of scheduled legislator visits Join your colleagues VIRTUALLY for the Wisconsin 2021 APRN Lobby Day. The purpose is to prepare APRNs and APRN students to meet with their legislators asking for support of the APRN Modernization Act. Meetings with […]