The Wisconsin Healthy Hearts Virtual Symposium 2020 is a “call-to-action” for heart health partners, including health systems, insurers/payors, and community organizations, to join together in the creation of a new road map for heart health that will advance outcomes and opportunities for greater health equity throughout Wisconsin.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. People of color are at particular risk. African Americans are 2 to 3 times more likely to die of heart disease compared with whites, and African Americans and other racial/ethnic minorities have higher rates of premature death resulting from cardiovascular disease (CVD) and higher CVD risk factors. The most significant opportunities for reducing death and disability from CVD in the United States lie with addressing the social determinants of CVD outcomes.
Please join us on Thursday October 8, 2020 from 9:00 am – 3:30 pm for a virtual interactive day full of community-informed education and discussion.
Together we will:
- Learn from national, state, and local experts regarding the inequitable burden of heart disease within Wisconsin’s communities of color
- Grow knowledge and understanding of health equity and historic, current, and local barriers to heart health
- Develop a heart health action plan guided by community voices
- Expand, strengthen, and inspire Wisconsin’s partnership capacity to advance equitable heart health outcomes
Registration is free.
Strategy Summaries for Symposium
To view the meeting agenda click here.
For more information contact the Department of Health Services, Chronic Disease and Prevention Program Educator: Teofilo.Salas@dhs.wisconsin.gov
Brought to you by a collaborative including Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Wisconsin Nurses Association, American Heart Association, MetaStar, Wisconsin Hospital Association, Wisconsin Health Cooperative, Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality and the Wisconsin Community Health Fund.
The American Heart Association is a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives.
We are proud to support Wisconsin’s 1815 grant by providing communities with access to education and policy/systems best practices around chronic disease management as well as to have helped plan the Wisconsin Heart Health Symposium.
Much of that work is highlighted through our ambulatory quality programs, each of which serves as both a resource hub and an opportunity for quality recognition.
More than 20 state Health Care Organizations have participated in one or more of:
Target: BP Check, Change, Control, Cholesterol. Target: Type 2 Diabetes
Additional resources include:
Answers By Heart Healthy For Life Healthy For Good
For additional information please contact
Tim Nikolai at tim.nikolai@heart.org or 414.502.8780.
The purpose of the Wisconsin Nurses Association is to a true catalyst for transforming health care and advancing the nursing profession to improve health for all in Wisconsin.
We are part of the 1815 Chronic Disease and Prevention Grant and are involved in promoting patient-centered team-base models of care that can be used for the identification, treatment and management of hypertension and hyperlipidemia.
We have developed three documents:
2016 Publication Patient-Centered Team-Based Care in Wisconsin: A Working Conceptual Model
Using Patient-Centered Team-Based Care to Improve Hypertension Prevention, Detection and Management
Combined Document- Background, Recommendations, Contributors
WCHQ’s mission is to publicly report and bring meaning to performance measurement information that improves the quality and affordability of health care in Wisconsin, in turn improving the health of individuals and communities.
We are a partner in the Wisconsin Department of Health’s 1815 grant to improve the health of individuals in Wisconsin through the prevention and management of diabetes and heart disease. We work directly with Wisconsin health systems to report on diabetes and hypertension quality measures and create the space for health system members to meet and discuss best practices around treating and preventing diabetes and heart disease.
WCHQ developed toolkits to assist you and your colleagues with treating patients with diabetes and heart disease. To access these toolkits, you will need to create an account on the HIPxChange website. Create an account and view toolkits here:
- Improving Hypertension Care and Outcomes Toolkit: https://www.hipxchange.org/HypertensionCare
- Improving Diabetes Care and Outcomes Toolkit: https://www.hipxchange.org/DiabetesCare
WCHQ is also the author of the “WCHQ Health Disparities Report” that identifies where gaps in health outcomes and care exist in Wisconsin. The data is categorized based on race/ethnicity, payer and rural/urban geography. The data was submitted to WCHQ by 25 health systems and medical clinics and it represented the most complete and recent (2018) data available for this work at the time of publication. View the disparities report here.
For additional information please contact: Cara Winsand at cwinsand@wchq.org.
Elearning Opportunities Available
MetaStar now offers elearning modules for short, interactive learning opportunities that can be completed online at your convenience. To view our library of elearning modules, visit www.metastar.com/elearning.
The following elearning modules have recently been published:
Taking an Accurate Blood Pressure Reading
This 35 minute elearning module provides an overview of proper blood pressure (BP) measurement technique for ambulatory patients using evidence-based research. This module is intended for health care professionals in an ambulatory or community-based setting that take BP measurements for adult patients (18 years and older). Ideally, this module is used as part of a course that includes a skills-based competency check with an experienced trainer. It also serves as a valuable refresher course training for already experienced professionals.
Patient Self-Measurement of Blood Pressure
This 35 minute elearning module provides an overview of proper patient education in self-measurement of blood pressure (SMBP) for ambulatory patients using evidence-based research. This module is intended for health care professionals in an ambulatory or community-based setting that teach adult patients (18 years and older) to self-measure their blood pressure.
A printable flyer can be found here.
For more information, contact Ashley Green, Cardiac Project Specialist agreen@metastar.com
The Wisconsin Community Health Fund
Growing Resources for Healthy Communities
Bolstering Infrastructure for Health Improvement
Healthy communities require active, multi-sector participation and resource support to enable an environment for sustained continuous health improvement. WCHF, through its Resource Bridge, works to connect designated community and state health priorities to funding, partners and resource tools, which enable and accelerate opportunities for health.
WCHF is a proud leader and supporter of the Wisconsin Heart Health Alliance and the Million Hearts Wisconsin Framework and looks forward to aiding in the expansion of many Wisconsin healthy hearts!
For additional information, please contact:
Rebecca Thompson, CPA, CFRE, MPH
Executive Director
Wisconsin Community Health Fund
Community Health Empowerment Funds – https://www.wicomhealthfund.org/chef
Wisconsin Community Health Worker Network – https://www.wicomhealthfund.org/community-health-worker-network
Million Hearts Wisconsin Framework and Keep It in the 80s Campaign – https://www.wicomhealthfund.org/million-hearts-wisconsin-framework
CDC Digital Media Toolkit: 2020-21 Flu Season – www.cdc.gov/flu/resource-center/toolkithttps:///.
To see the September Million Hearts Partner Call information, please click here.
The Wisconsin Healthy Hearts Virtual Symposium 2020 is a “call-to-action” for heart health partners, including health systems, insurers/payors, and community organizations, to join together in the creation of a new road map for heart health that will advance outcomes and opportunities for greater health equity throughout Wisconsin. Heart disease is the leading cause of death […]