PCTBC Model Triple Aim

Community Community Community Triple Aim of Health Care Team Parent Organization Hallmarks of Practice Engaged Patient Core Principles Workforce Diversity

Triple (Quadruple) Aim of Health Care: Influencing Factor #3

The Triple Aim of Health Care ™is both a driver and a stimulus leading to the development of health care system transformation to achieve the three dimensions/aims of health care proposed by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2015). At this writing, the current literature is reflecting a growing interest in a fourth (quadruple) aim that would address dissatisfaction within the health care workforce. The authors believe that team-based care and interprofessional education should emerge as possible solutions to workforce dissatisfaction. The Triple Aim of Health Care™  includes:

  • Improve the patient’s experience of care (including quality, safety, and satisfaction)
  • Improve the health of populations
  • Reduce per capita costs of health care