WNA has so many incredible members making a lasting impression in nursing. We think it’s about time that everyone else knows about our incredible members, too. That is why we have a Member Spotlight series on our website. This is the space to showcase your talent. Tell us about your remarkable research, your touching stories, the obstacles you’ve overcome. Show us—and the world—what it really means to be a Wisconsin Nurse. Fill out your form to be spotlighted! WNA Member Spotlight Questionnaire
For our next member spotlight, we have Cathy Berry from the WNA Board of Directors. 
What is your name (and credentials)?
Catherine Berry, MSN, RN, CNE, CCRN
What have been your roles at WNA / how long have you been a member?
I transferred membership from Iowa Nurses Association in 1993. Have been an ANA member since 1971 in Louisiana, Texas, and Iowa prior to Wisconsin.
Some of my WNA highlights include:
- Treasurer 2015-Present
- Center for American Nurses Delegate 2005-2007, 2009-2011
- Finance Committee 2006-Present
- Region 1 Representative 2002-2004
- Advance Practice Forum Nominating Committee 2000-2003
- Secretary 1998-2000
- Delegate to American Nurses Association, 1998-1999; 2003-2005, 2009-2011
- Arrangements Committee Member (for Annual Meeting/Educational Sessions) 1995-2002
- Communications Membership Committee Member (and Membership Survey Task Force) 1995-1999
- CNS Special Interest Group Chair 1995-1999
- District 10 Board Member and Publicity 2003-2009
- District 10 President 2002-2003
- District 10 Mentorship Liaison 1996-2000
- District 10 Board Member 1995-1997, 2003-2008
- District 10 Representative at CVTC Graduation 1996, 2004, 2005
- District 10 Nurse Week Planning Committee 1995, 2008
- Attended WNA Annual Conventions 1994-2015
Where do you work?
Retired from full time in May 2015. Teaching one clinical nursing course a semester in 2016 through University of Wisconsin Eau Claire.
What is your job title?
Clinical Assistant Professor Emeriti
What do you do in your job?
I teach one 8 student section of clinical on a medical telemetry and intermediate care unit with 90 hours total. The students are second semester juniors and provide primary care for adults with complex medical surgical problems. Each clinical involves finding out about patients, making assignments working to match patient needs and student learning needs, facilitating safe medication administration, debriefing after patient care experiences. Evaluate online discussions about health care financing and medication safety. Evaluate documentation of nursing care plans through NIC, NOC, and NANDA. Facilitate simulation experience, observation experience, and evidence based practice group project.
Tell us a story from your job (or a past one).
When I was teaching nursing in Texas, a cab driver brought a mom in labor to the school of nursing instead of the hospital. I was the Dean and was called to assist. She was already crowning in the back seat of the cab. I delegated getting some clean sheets from the skills lab and stayed with the mom to assist with the delivery…which happened in just a few minutes. We wrapped the baby in the clean sheets and transported to the ER. Mom and baby both did well.
What do you do in your free time?
I enjoy baking, cooking, canning, knitting, crocheting, time with grandkids.
What are you passionate about?
Volunteering and service. I love spending time with people and working in teams/groups to help others at church, in nursing, and in the community.
Brag to us about one thing (or 2, or 5, or 10) you’ve done in your career.
Doing nursing research in China for 3 weeks with Chinese graduate nursing students and UW Eau Claire undergraduate students. Disseminated findings with one of the undergraduate students both in Australia and Czech Republic. Had the opportunity to see the dragon boat festival, Beijing and the Great Wall. Participated in some acupuncture and learned some traditional Chinese medicine while there.
Along the way I am glad to have achieved my Master of Science in Nursing, CCRN (Certified Critical-Care Registered Nurse) and most recently CNE (Certified Nurse Educator).
During the Viet Nam War I served as an Air Force Nurse and worked with returning POW’s.
What does being a nurse mean to you?
Promoting health and healing. Assisting others to be as active as possible in managing their health. Providing care as needed if they are unable to manage independently.
What’s one thing you wish we asked you?
My inspiration for choosing nursing. My mom was a nurse and by 2nd grade I had borrowed her uniform and shoes for a career day. She did home care in our little town and I got to accompany her on visits and cover for her when she delivered some of my brothers and sisters.