Members representing WNA met with the Board of Nursing on March 14, 2019 to present the following:
Inclusion of Content in the Board of Nursing Quarterly Newsletter
- Gina Dennik-Champion, WNA Executive Director requested that the Board of Nursing quarterly newsletter include information or reports of Wisconsin’s Nurse Workforce. The Board of Nursing supported the request on the condition that the content be submitted from an outside entity.
Update on the Status of the APRN Legislation
Gina Bryan, Chair of the WI APRN Coalition presented an update on the status of the 19 recommendations the Board of Nursing wanted included in the APRN Legislation, The APRN Modernization Act. The Board was informed that all 19 recommendations are located in the current draft. The APRN Coalition requested that the Board upon review support the legislation. The WNA APRN Coalition representatives at the meeting were Linda Gobis, WNA President; Tina Bettin, WNA NP Forum President; and Mary Beck Metzger.