Wisconsin Nursing Coalition logo

The purpose and function of the Wisconsin Nursing Coalition is:

  1. An organized means of disseminating information through a common network among nursing organizations.
  2. A forum for exchanging information and ideas that is of concern to Wisconsin nurses.
  3. To present its position concerning selected issues and ideas about nursing and nurses in public and private forums (e.g., organizational correspondence, newspapers, electronic media, public hearings).
  4. To be a common voice for nurses in Wisconsin.


  1. Membership will consist of Wisconsin Nursing Organizations which are defined as any organization located in Wisconsin which has as a majority of its voting members RNs, LPNs, nursing students, or any combination.
  2. Payment of annual assessment fee that is used to cover administrative costs incurred by the sponsoring organization.
  3. Appointment of representative by the member organization for the fiscal year (January 1 – December 31.)
  4. Appointment of ex-officio representatives as approved by the WNC membership.

History of the Wisconsin Nursing Coalition

There is a history in Wisconsin of the various nursing organizations meeting for the purposes of networking, exchange of information, advancing the practice of nursing and imporving the systems where care is delivered.

1970’s There was a formal group that met at least three times a year called the Wisconsin Nursing Network.  This group was made up of representatives from the various nursing organizations, schools of nursing and nurse administrators.  The WNN had formal operating procedures, officers, standing committees, established agenda format and used Robert’s Rules of Orders to conduct business.  The group dissolved sometime in the late 1980’s.
1989 The Wisconsin Nursing Coalition was formed for the following reason:

Mission: To promote systems that enable nurses to fulfill their unique role in providing quality health care.


  • To serve as a vehicle for information exchange
  • To support the profession of nursing

Membership: To be inclusive of nursing organizations only.

1990 The purpose and function of the Wisconsin Nursing Coalition had some revisions that include the following:

Mission: To be a common voice for nurses in Wisconsin.

Voting: Be restricted to groups that are nursing based.

Dues: $25.00 per year to cover the costs of mailing. WNA was designated maintain files, agendas, send out meeting notices and materials because they have staff.

Lobbying: Each organization will continue to use their own lobbyist to advance their own priorities.

Mid-1990’s to present WNC has issued position and unity statements, action plans and participated in annual summits

Summary of Positions

1997 – Support of Title Protection for Nurses 1998 – Support of Promotion of Adult Immunizations (Influenza and Pneumonia Vaccine) 1998 – Support of “Contemporary Scope of Nursing Practice in Wisconsin” and request for Board of Nursing Support 1999 – Support of APNP scope of practice to include ordering of lab and radiographics. 1999 – Support of Biennial RN Workforce Survey 2000 – Unity Statement and Action Plan on “Increased Demand for Nurses” 2002 – Statement on Response to Bioterrorism and Public Health Infrastructure 2002 – Unity Statement and Action Plan on “Palliative and End-of-Life Care” 2004 – Support of Wisconsin Nursing Redesign assuming the role of addressing the increase demand for nurses 2005 – Support of Wisconsin Organization of Nurse Executives paper “Guiding Principles for Nurse Staffing in Acute Care” 2005 – Support of “Community of Nursing Agenda for Health Care Reform” 2005 – Support for Creation of Wisconsin Center for Nursing 2007 – Adoption of working paper on impact of nurse fatigue and patient safety 2009 – Support revisions to “Community of Nursing Agenda for Health Care Reform” 2012 – Identification of the RN Role in Advance Care Planning

Current Structure

WNA President assumes the role of the chairperson. WNA Executive Director serves as staff to the WNC. Minutes are recorded and are rotated among the members. WNA maintains the current member list, forwards minutes and agendas and other materials, contacts potential speakers/presenters and provides communication on positions etc. to others.


Current annual dues are $100.00. This covers the administrative costs that are provided by WNA.


Meetings are scheduled for every other month, usually on the forth Thursday of the odd months of the year. (January, March, May, July, September, and November).


Standing items include, approval of minutes, review status of action plans, legislative/regulatory issues, member reports, and agenda items for next meeting.

WNC Member Organizations

Wisconsin Nurses Association

American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Greater Milwaukee Area Chapter (AACN-GMC)

National Black Nurses Association, Inc. – Milwaukee Chapter

SEIU Healthcare Wisconsin

South Central WI American Occupational Health Nurses (SCWAOHN)

Wisconsin Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists

Wisconsin Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (WARN)

Wisconsin Association of School Nurses

Wisconsin Center for Nursing

Wisconsin Department of Corrections – Correctional Nursing (Prison/Jail and Juvenile Institutions)

Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Wisconsin Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association

Wisconsin Director of Nursing Council

Wisconsin Emergency Nurses Association (ENA)

Wisconsin Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals, AFT, AFL-CIO

Wisconsin League for Nursing

Wisconsin Organization of Nurse Executives

Wisconsin Public Health Association – Public Health Nursing Section

Wisconsin Society of Peri-Anesthesia Nurses (WISPAN)

Wisconsin State Association of Occupational Health Nurses